Email Marketing – Strategies for Success

Successful Strategies for Email Marketing

If you don’t have a plan, then how will you know that you are getting the results you really want from your email marketing?  You need to know where you are heading and how you are going to get there in order to set up targets to aim for with each email marketing campaign.  A roadmap to your email marketing will help you to decide what needs to be changed in order to make your efforts more effective.

7 considerations while you are setting up your strategy:

  1. You are only as good as your list.(see our 3 ways to increase the quality of your email database, below)
  2. Mobile devices are on the rise and more and more people are using their mobile devices to view their emails – including yours. So make it easy for them to see, read, click, and integrated for quick and easy social media sharing to be ahead of the pack.
  3. Keep your call to action ABOVE THE FOLD – or up to 70% of your audience may never see it.
  4. Mix up your email marketing with a direct mailing campaign to increase your response rate to the overall campaign.
  5. Promotions that are limited in time or availability always increase response rates.
  6. Link your email broadcasts to online interactions or call to actions – even if it is just a landing page where they can get more information (make sure your website works in mobile too if you are going to do this).
  7. Incentive focused subject lines are a great way to increase open rates as well – just remember not to use words like “free” since they often trigger the spam filter in email accounts.

3 Ways to Increase the Quality of your Email database

  1. Reward your opt-ins with a bonus or freebie (by AR) of something YOU can offer for signing up with you (this helps you make sure the things you offer are things your database are interested in receiving).
  2. Measure the activity of your list over time and send out updates or special AR’s for those who have been inactive to keep your database filled with real contacts that are interested in your services or products.
  3. Integrate your opt-in with social media so that it is easy to share to others and your offerings get more awareness and notice across platforms and the holy ‘share’ to others who may be interested in signing up with you.

These tips and best practices can change your email marketing efforts into ordered, cohesive campaigns.  Metrics and tracking will define adjustments needed to your methods and drive continuous improvement on successive campaigns until you are effectively utilizing email marketing to further your business.

Call us today if you’d like help with your specific email marketing needs – we can help! 775-322-3663

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